Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Made It! =)

I made it through the semester! Wow was it a busy one! But it was a really good one. I feel like I've learned so much. Grown so much. Definately the most productive semester ever... and I think it's just going to get better from now!

I submitted three posters to the Good 50x70 Poster Competition as part of my final for Art 323A. I'm really excited. This is my first time entering into a contest. I'd post my posters up, but the contest calls for "unpublished artwork" and I'm not sure if posting it here would make it published? Anyway, I'll post it once they announce winners and stuff.

Other than that, I have a lot of other materials that I could post which I will be doing soon. =) Right now I'm just relaxing.

I finished finals on Tuesday. But I officially ended for me Wednesday night after doing clean up for photography.

Oh man! Tuesday was such a bad printing day for me! Of course, that was also when my last two projects were due. First, I was about 45 minutes late turning in my posters for Art 323A because it took an hour to print my posters. Mainly because the girl at Staples didn't know that the printer wasn't working correctly. Luckily, I got the lady who worked at the art office to open up my professor's office so I could place it in there (he had a meeting). Then after that, when I finished fixing my Children's Book for Typography, I took it to Kinko's and for some reason, parts of my design were printing at the wrong color, even if it was supposed to be the same color as another component of my design. But I got it all done in time. =) I cannot wait to get my own oversized printer. I'm planning to have one before the next semester. It's going to be such a relieve to print whenever and not having to drive 20 minutes just to go to the closest 24 hour Kinko's.