Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Link of the Week: Norton Simon Museum

Link: NortonSimon.Org

Just went to this art museum in Pasadena, CA this weekend. I think its a pretty nice art museum. I really like the Degas paintings and bronze sculptures this museum has.

Artist Update

Decided during break, I'll be doing face studies both in drawing and painting. I didn't realize how much trouble I have in that area until my Illustration class. Not to mention that I feel really out of practice with rendering realistically.

I feel done with school. It might just be the senioritis or something. But I've been done with this semester for probably the last month. At least. Haha. Very bad. Trying to focus on my school work.

Signed up for next semester's classes. Taking: Computer Assisted Graphics, Typography into Graphic Design, Art and Child Development, and Creative Photography. It must suck for freshmen. I mean, the class times just all suck. But I don't know if its just because I have specific classes I need to take but it was a bit difficult trying to figure out a schedule. Basically four days a week, I'll be going from 1PM-9:45PM. =/ Doesn't help with the loads of classes being cut. But hey... as long as they don't cut my classes a week before the semester starts like they did for this semester... I'll be fine.

Its crazy. I decided to go through my Titan Audit (basically a list of what I've taken and what I still need to take) and if I did everything correctly, I only have 8 classes left after the a 2010 semester! WOW. It's all so soon! I feel scared. LOL. And unprepared. I don't even have a portfolio ready or anything! Another thing I gotta get crackin' on during break.

There's just not enough time.... and it seems like time is speeding up again... like someone decided to kick it up a notch. Is that just temporary? Or is life just going to move a lot faster after now? I hope not. I already feel so limited as it is.

I just turned 21 last Tuesday. YAY! Except... I still feel like I'm 17. Since then, I've only felt a glimpse of my age when I went out for a celebratory dinner with my friends and we ordered a bottle of wine (Beringer White Zinfandel) with our fondue dinner. Of course, I kept the bottle. I come home with it, and my mom goes "You know I don't like you drinking when I'm not around." What? I thought that only was because I was underage before?! No wonder I don't feel my age.

This week's work: Historical/Social/Political event project (Lettering and Typography), Caricature (Illustration), One page write up (History of Graphic Design), Extra Credit Museum Paper (Foundations in Modern Art)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Link of the Week: Melinda Boyce

Link: MelindaBoyce.Com

Melinda Tracy Boyce is an aspiring graphic novelist and is currently trying to get her daily diary comics published....

I've caught a bunch of her little autobiographical comics from EatSleepDraw. They're pretty funny.