Friday, February 11, 2011

Final Kit Hinrichs Poster

Here's the final version of the Kit Hinrichs poster. The peoples are picking the winning poster this weekend. Anxious to see who's going to get picked!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kit Hinrichs Posters

First comps of a poster I'm designing. Kit Hinrichs is guest speaking at my school next month. Already made some changes to it during class today. Final one due next week so I'll be posting that when I'm done.

Basically, from my research, one of the things Kit Hinrichs is known for (besides being an awesome designer) is his signature beard. I also read that he is a fan of paper and paper making. He used to design annual reports for a paper company. So, my thought was to recreate his beard out of paper. But my professor also pointed out that there's a connection with the paper idea to how the even is about story telling.

I'm actually kind of excited to see how this is coming along. I hope that my poster gets picked for the event. That would be so awesome. And I'm excited to go to this event. =)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spring 2011 Semester

ART 483F - Design/Interactive Art - Mondays/Wednesdays 9:00am-11:45am
ART 483A - Special Studies, Graphic Design - Mondays 1:00pm-6:45pm
HIST 180 - Survey of American History- Tuesdays 7:00-9:45pm
ART 495 - Internship in Art- Thursdays 1:00-6:45pm

Last full semester! After this semester, I'll have one class left plus some writing test and I'm done. Wow.

Excited for what this semester is going to bring. A bit nervous since this is like the end of the line! Scared and hopeful for what comes next.