Poster Final:
History of Graphic Design - Fall 2009
Created this poster with Danielle. This design was inspired from Robert Brownjohn's original 007 credit sequence. The credits were projected onto my brother's car.

Bauhaus Quote Typography:
Lettering and Typography A - Spring 2008

Futura Font Designs:
Lettering and Typography B - Fall 2009
3 of 10 designs we had to do. Basically, we had to follow a few different sets of parameters for each design.

Rand Book Jackets:
Graphic Design A - Spring 2010
Design a book jacket for an artist's (auto)biography that reflects him/her. Note that the first picture shows a more accurate color of the green book jacket.

School Newsletter:
Typography in Graphic Design - Spring 2010

Gill Sans Font Design:
Typography into Graphic Design - Spring 2010

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